Contact Office: 02144955024
Saturday-Wednesday 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Geophysical Survey Services

Geophysical Survey Services Home Using a variety of geophysical method, especially magnetometry and IP-RS, relying on our professional team and expertise, we can identify igneous bodies, tectonic structures and mineralization events in the depths of the earth....
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In Situ U-Th-Pb Geochronology

In Situ U-Th-Pb Geochronology Home In collaboration with Arizona LaserChron Center, we could address problems in Earth Science through the generation of U-Th-Pb geochronologic data and complementary geochemical information by Laser Ablation ICP Mass Spectrometry. The main instruments utilized at the Arizona LaserChron Center include a Nu Plasma multicollector ICPMS, a Thermo Element2 single-collector ICPMS, a Teledyne Iridia laser and two Analyte G2 lasers, and a Hitachi 3400N SEM, all of which...
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MLA & QEMSCAN Services

MLA & QEMSCAN Services Home In collaboration with global companies, we are able to offer advanced geometallurgy and SEM-based mineralogical and mineral liberation analyses for the purpose of ore characterization and establishing links and relationships between geology, mineralogy and processing characteristics. Quantitative mineralogical analyses are performed with FEI Quanta 650F MLA and QEMSCAN 650F instruments, Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEM) with superior resolution and performance o...
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LA-ICP-MS Analysis

LA-ICP-MS Analysis Home In collaboration the Univ. of Ottawa, we could offer microchemical (spot) analyses for trace elements on a range of solid materials and minerals like sulphide minerals and carbonates; The setup is composed of a Photon Machines Analyte Excite 193 nm excimer laser coupled with an Agilent 7700x ICP-MS. The standard sample holder accommodates up to five 1-inch epoxy ring or up to two standard thin sections. Data reduction is offered using Glitter and mapping can be provided u...
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Electron Probe Microanalysis (EPMA)

Electron Probe Microanalysis (EPMA) Home In collaboration with Carleton University, we offer qualitative and quantitative probe analyses on a range of materials including rock-forming mineral, silicates and carbonates, sulphides and precious metal minerals, kimberlite indicator minerals, Rare Earth Element (REE) minerals, rare metal minerals, and super alloys in addition to Backscattered Electron Imaging (BSE). Our instruments include an automated Cameca Camebax MBX Electron Microprobe equipped...
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Exploration for Buried Deposits

Exploration for Buried Deposits Home In collaboration with global companies, we offer a wide range of analytical methods based on organic and inorganic parameters, esp. the powerful technique of SGH (= Spatiotemporal Hydrocarbons), to explore for buried mineral deposits at depth SGH is a proven innovation to look for mineralization under a wide variety of cover. It is an organic-based nano-technology that has been used successfully in over 1,100 surveys. SGH is a dual-purpose geochemistry as it...
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